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CANA Working Virtually Webinar Part 1: The CANA Virtual Way

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

Working Virtually webinar series part 1

Over the past few weeks, most organizations have made the switch to working from home, a major transition for many employees. Our inboxes and news feeds have been flooded with articles on how to master the world of remote work. As an organization that was built to operate remotely and has been operating in this context for over twelve years, CANA Advisors is no stranger to the world of working “virtually” as we like to say.

On April 2nd, CANA Advisors invites you to join us for part one of our webinar series on Working Virtually. During the webinar CANA team members will talk about maintaining a remote culture, the tools and techniques for successful execution, and how we put it all together in practice.

Building a vibrant, virtual professional community is more important than ever before. We want to hear about your experience working remotely and answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to watch the recorded version of this Webinar you can catch it at


And while you are at it why not sign up for our CANA Connection Newsletter, or maybe join our new CANA Connection Community forum to carry on the conversation.

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