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Walt DeGrange
Jan 29, 20193 min read
CANA Finishes 2018 Strong with the INFORMS Annual Meeting & MORS Emerging Techniques Fo
Here are the top three reasons for CANA Analytics to participate in professional societies:

Jerome Dixon, Walt Degrange, and Lucia Darrow
Dec 14, 20184 min read
Tech Meetups: Working Remotely, Connecting Locally
In this post, three CANA team members, Lucia, Walt, and Jerome, discuss how they use meetups to learn, network, and give back to their commu

Jerome Dixon, Walt Degrange, and Aaron Luprek
Oct 2, 20183 min read
Why the BOM Gives Us a Headache
We recommended an innovative approach using natural language processing (NLP) for creating a Bill of Material (BOM).
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