“Let not your mind run on what you lack as much as on what you have already.”
- Marcus Aurelius
(919) 442-8164
CANA Team member Walt DeGrange has been with CANA LLC since 2014 and has over 20 years of experience in scoping, performing, and implementing analytic solutions. He is an Operations Research Professional with implemented analytics solutions in Government, Industry, and Academia. He is currently the Course Director for the Military Operations Research Society (MORS) Critical Skills for Analytics Professionals and a past Chairperson of the INFORMS Sports Analytics Section.
Walt is also an educator and teaches online for the University of Arkansas and serves as an Executive Practicum Advisor at the NC State Poole School of Management. As a Team CANA speaker and course instructor, he contributes his experience and skills to the CANA Advisors’ Learning and Development seminars and workshops.
In his role as the Senior Director of Analytics (DAC) at CANA LLC, he is responsible for recruiting, training, and equipping all of CANA's analytics professionals. Walt also leads CANA's sports analytics research area and coordinates the monthly CANA Advisors Roundtable or CAR as we like to call it. The CAR provides team members with a virtual online opportunity to share tips, and analytical techniques, and discuss recent project successes.
Education and Certificates
M.S. Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School, 2005
B.E. Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 1992
INFORMS Certified Analytics Professional (CAP)
Defense Acquisition Corps Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) for weapon systems (DAWIA Level 1 certified)
Weapon systems contracting (DAWIA Level 2 contracting certified)
Accomplishments & Awards
20 years of military systems logistics and supply chain support analysis
Developed inventory plans for many weapon systems deployed globally
Adept as a functional subject matter expert and in developing models and simulations to support system availability decisions
Operations Research
Sports Analytics
Supply Chain Management
Military Logistics
Data Optimization
Data Analysis
Operational Planning
Transportation industry logistics
Military Operations
Program Management
Military Experience
Logistics Management
Operations Management
Risk Management
Government Contracting
Inventory Management
Operational Logistics
Data Optimizations
Project Planning
Information Assurance
Six Sigma
Systems Engineering
Strategic Planning
Mathematical Modeling
Data Simulation
Intelligence Analysis
Organizational Leadership
Public Speaking
Team Leadership
Team Building
Decision Analysis
Process Improvement
Security Clearance Top Secret
Brown, Gerald G., Walter C. DeGrange, Robert F. Dell, and Ronald D. Fricker. 2015. “ASP, Art And Science Of Practice: Educating Military Operations Research Practitioners.” Interfaces 45 (2):175–86. https://doi.org/10.1287/inte.2014.0780.
DeGrange, Walter, Gary Cokins, Stephan Chambal, and Russell Walker. n.d. “Sports Analytics Taxonomy, V1.0.” ORMS Today. Accessed August 24, 2017. https://www.informs.org/ORMS-Today/Public-Articles/June-Volume-43-Number-3/Sports-analytics-taxonomy-V1.0.
Brown, Gerald G., Walter C. DeGrange, Wilson L. Price, and Anton A. Rowe. 2017. “Scheduling Combat Logistics Force Replenishments at Sea for the US Navy.” Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 64 (8): 677–93. https://doi.org/10.1002/nav.21780.
DeGrange, Walter, and Wilson L. Price. “Chapter 12. Why Won’t They Use Our Model?” In Handbook of Military and Defense Operations Research, edited by Natalie M. Scala and James P. Howard II, 1st ed. S.l.: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2020.
There Is No Perfect Way to Work Virtually, So Stop Looking for One and Start Working! https://www.canallc.com/post/there-is-no-perfect-way-to-work-virtually-so-stop-looking-for-one-and-start-working

Walt DeGrange
Senior Director of Analytics