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Welcome to the CANA Team, Libby and Ashley!

The CANA Team is growing! We are excited to bring aboard Libby Heeren, Staff Operations Research Analyst, and Ashley Castillo, Business Operations Analyst. Get to know them below!

“Courage is found in unlikely places.”

- J.R.R. Tolkien

Libby Heeren

Staff Operations Research Analyst

Libby has more than 10 years of technical experience in a variety of fields, including banking, card processing and fraud, industrial engineering, and architecture. She has a BBA in Management Science from the University of Texas at San Antonio, where she also earned a Master of Science in Data Analytics. She’s passionate about building bridges between academics and practitioners and enjoys connecting with the data community and organizing data-centric events and groups. While working with CANA, Libby will be a technical resource helping to build, implement, and maintain analytical solutions.

If you would like to contact Libby, you can reach her via email at

“Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.”

- Colin Powell

Ashley Castillo

Business Operations Analyst

Ashley Castillo will be joining CANA as a Business Operations Analyst. Prior to joining the team, she participated in the Hiring our Heroes Fellowship program which put Ashley in CANA's path. Hiring our Heroes is a program to assist military spouses and veterans in their career paths by giving them tools such as networking opportunities in order to be successful. Ashley has six years of management and operational experience. During those six years, she completed her Bachelors in Science with a focus in accounting. For the last three years, Ashley worked as a financial operations manager and completed her graduate certificate at UWF in Supply Chain and Logistics Management. “During my internship with CANA, I feel I have found a great career fit for me. The internship allowed me to get a feel for the work environment, understand the expectation as well as CANA's mission. I am always eager and determined to learn more, to be a part of a bigger picture and I am excited to do just that at CANA,” said Ashley Castillo.

If you would like to contact Ashley, you can reach her via email at or LinkedIn.


CANA Advisors is a veteran-owned, woman-owned, equal opportunity company based out of Gainesville, Virginia in the United States of America.

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