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Remembering Pearl Harbor

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

The White House Proclamation on National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 2021 reads, in part:

"…we honor the patriots who perished,

commemorate the valor of all those who defended our Nation, and recommit ourselves to carrying forth the ensuing peace and reconciliation that brought a better future for our world.

Today, we give thanks to the Greatest Generation, who guided our Nation through some of our darkest moments and laid the foundations of an international system that has transformed former adversaries into allies."

We remain in awe of the selfless acts of fellow Americans in so many moments of history. There is a generosity of spirit and selflessness that continues unabated to this day, and it proudly honors the memory of those who sacrificed so much at Pearl Harbor. We are grateful for this opportunity to reflect.


If you’d like to contact Cherish Joostberns, CANA Resource Lead, you can reach Cherish at

CANA Advisors A Veteran-Owned and Woman-Owned Company.

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