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An Idea From UNIX for R Tidyverse Pipelines

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

R’s Tidyverse is a collection of R packages that work together with a common functional interface to accomplish data transformations and analysis in the R programming language.

To see it in action, let’s consider the following sequence of data transformations on some dataframe (called df) as an example.

df <- read_csv(“some_file.csv”)
df <- groupby(df, name, a, b, c)
df <- summarize(df, qty = qty)
df <- ungroup(df)
df <- mutate(df, version = “20230130”)

Each of the functions groupby( ), summarize( ), ungroup( ), and mutate( ) are from the Tidyverse collection. Notice that the first argument of each of these functions is the data (usually a dataframe) to be operated upon and is the data just updated on the previous line.

However, the standard practice is to code such a sequence, not as consecutive assignment statements, as above, but as ONE expression where each step is a “link” in a “chain” of transformations, as in the following code.

df <- read_csv(“some_file.csv”) %>%
      groupby(name, a, b, c)    %>%
      summarize(qty = qty)      %>%
      ungroup()                 %>%
      mutate(version = “20230130”)

Notice that each step of the transformation is now “linked” to the next with the infix operator %>% (sometimes called “pipe”). Also, note that the first argument of each Tidyverse function is now dropped. That is because the passing of the data from one transformation function to the next is handled by the pipe operator %>%. Eliminating the repeated “noise” on each line also makes the code more readable. The chain of such transformations is called a “pipeline.”

Code Usage Example

Now, here is a usage of the above idea that we see a lot in our code. If we want to create a dataframe A for output (and possibly use A for further processing), we like to write code like the following (where [step i] is not real R code, but represents some Tidyverse function call, as in the concrete example above).

A <- [step 1] %>%
     [step 2] %>%
     [step 3] %>%
     [step 4] %>%
     [step 5]

write_csv(A, "A.csv")

But in our codebase, we've seen a variant of this code too, where we want to peek at what the data looks like after step 3, but before going to step 4, as in the following:

A_intermediate <- [step 1] %>%
                  [step 2] %>%
                  [step 3]

write_csv(A_intermediate, "A_intermediate.csv")

A <- A_intermediate %>%
     [step 4] %>%
     [step 5]

write_csv(A, "A.csv")

The variable names often don't say "intermediate" and this fragmentation of the pipeline is often more difficult for the reader to read, especially when this “peeking” method occurs several times in a long pipeline.

To the rescue, enter the idea of tee which is an old UNIX utility. UNIX shell expressions have pipelines too -- I believe that R pipelines are inspired by them (or by something else that was in turn inspired by UNIX shell pipelines).

A Unix pipeline looks like this:

[step 1] | [step 2] | [step 3]

where each [step i] is some UNIX command, and each command is “linked” to the next by the | character (analogous to %>% in Tidyverse pipelines). If a call to the utility tee is inserted into the pipeline, e.g., as follows:

[step 1] | [step 2] | tee foo.txt | [step 3]

then the file foo.txt has the intermediate result of the pipeline after step 2, but before step 3, and can be inspected for audit or debug purposes.

Using this idea, we write an R function called tee( ) so that our code looks more like the original (non-fragmented) version of the pipeline:

A <- [step 1] %>%
     [step 2] %>%
     [step 3] %>%
     tee("A_intermediate.csv") %>%
     [step 4] %>%
     [step 5]

 write_csv(A, "A.csv")

The definition of tee( ) is simply: grab the given dataframe, write it to a file and then pass it along (for further processing down the rest of the pipeline).

tee <- function(df, filename)
  write_csv(df, filename)

More Tee Fun

We can simplify our new code even further by reusing tee( ) for writing the final version of A also.

A <- [step 1] %>%
     [step 2] %>%
     [step 3] %>%
     tee("A_intermediate.csv") %>%
     [step 4] %>%
     [step 5] %>%

This puts all the processing for dataframe A in one expression, making it easy for the reader to see it as completely self-contained. This final version is the form of the data transformation found in our codebases.


We can see how the Tidyverse package collection is an extremely useful programming construct for data analysis. Tidyverse functions have a common interface which can be leveraged so that we can code our data transformations into easy-to-read pipeline expressions. Easier reading entails easier development, less coding mistakes, and easier debugging, if it should come to that. We have additionally leveraged an idea from UNIX to help us “peek” into the partially transformed data in a pipeline to help us understand what the data looks like at a particular point in the transformation pipeline.


Rick Hanson is our Senior Operations Research Analyst here at CANA. You can reach him at or on Linkedin.

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