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A Reflection On This Memorial Day

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

Written by Kenny McRostie

This year, Memorial Day feels different. Maybe it is the times we are in, maybe it is because I am approaching the last year in my military career; the reason why doesn’t matter. More important is that we take the time today, even for a moment, to stop what we are doing and to remember the many men and women who selflessly gave their life in service to our country. As I woke up this morning, looking forward to spending the day with my family, I thought about the impact of this day. The impact to the families left behind, daily bearing the burden of loss. The impact to their brothers and sisters in arms with whom they walked in lockstep through the good times and the hard times. And finally, the impact to the citizens of our great country, the United States of America, who reap the benefits of their sacrifice. We are so fortunate to have the freedoms we enjoy in our country. I know I am blessed to be here today and grateful that I can spend the day in the safety and comfort of my home, surrounded by my loved ones. Wherever you are today and whatever you are doing, I ask one thing. Take some time today to remember our heroes. Stop what you are doing for five minutes or for an hour. Whether it is visiting the grave of a brother or sister in arms, reaching out to a family member left behind, or just reading the story of an amazing hero who died in selfless service to our country. Honor them. Remember them. Today and everyday.

Happy Memorial Day from Team CANA.


Kenny McRostie is Senior Operations Manager here is at CANA. You can contact him at

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